Saturday, September 26, 2009

Volume 3 of Mobile Art starting now

Dear all,

Volume 2 of Mobile Art has been for almost a month on the Appstore and both books now almost sum up a total 14.000 downloads! I'm really happy with this result as I didn't expect this much interest.

It is therefore time to officially launch volume 3.

Some more information about this next eBook:

Susan Murtaugh (the featured artist of Volume 2, for those who haven't downloaded it yet) has kindly accepted to take part to the artwork selection process. She knows many artists from the various forums and her eyes and knowledge will be a tremendous help for raising the bar of this next eBook.

Joseandrés Guijarroponce, also known as La Legra Negra will be the featured artist with an interview and lots of new paintings.

There will be a Christmas chapter (on top of the regular selection on general mobile art) with drawings on this subject but also centered on children, you will know why some lines below. This is the first time a theme is given so the criteria of selection can vary a bit. I would like the paintings and drawings above all to convey emotions. It can be sad of funny emotions or also just simply poetic. Be creative and try to move us deep inside with your art. All artwork should be done on your iPod or iPhone of course.

As said previously, the interface will be upgraded and will allow for a better reading experience. It will also allow for a larger number of pages. This means more artwork, more reviews and more tutorials (anybody can write one, I just would like to be informed about it first, so please email me some of your thoughts/ideas before writing pages of articles).

The deadline for the submission is set to the 20th of November. This leaves a longer time than for the previous books, I hope this will give more chances for always better artworks. The release date on the Appstore will be around the 15th of December. Rules are the same as before (cf. first archive of march 2009) and the email address for submission remains the same too:

Last but not least, I would like this new volume to be really special.
Since the beginning of this project I have in my mind to somehow link it to a charity organization but I never found the occasion to do so. I think Christmas is the right moment to take a dive and try something out. I would like to open a discussion on the subject with whoever might have some idea or experience on the matter.
So here is the general idea:
I would like to propose to all who will download the book to donate a dollar or two to an organization which is helping children.

The ebook will remain a free download though and this is where the discussion should start, with these questions: which organization will we chose and what would be the best way to forward them the eventual donations from our generous readers?
You can leave your ideas as a comment at the bottom of this post.

I hope this will work and that together we will find great ideas. I think it would give a fantastic purpose to the hard work the published material represents.

Thank you in advance!


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